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Clear Skies Ahead: Becky Depodwin

  • By AMS Staff
  • Jul 4, 2023

Becky Depodwin, senior consultant at Guidehouse, on opportunities outside of the traditional school curriculum she feels can be beneficial to securing a job in a weather profession of choice. For more, listen to the Clear Skies Ahead podcast, with new episodes released every month.

“I was really involved in our student chapter of AMS—it was a huge part of my college career. Having a network of meteorologists that was beyond just the students in my year was particularly helpful. Seeing what they were going through as juniors and seniors and hearing their perspectives as members of this student organization was really, really valuable. I ultimately ended up getting a job in the field as a junior because of my connection with someone else who was a grade higher than me. And again, I credit a lot of that to being in this student chapter that was well-established and set up.”
Becky Depodwin, senior consultant at Guidehouse, on opportunities outside of the traditional school curriculum she feels can be beneficial to securing a job in a weather profession of choice. For more, listen to the Clear Skies Ahead podcast, with new episodes released every month.

* For more content from the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, please click here.