“The life of a postdoc is similar in a lot of ways to a Ph.D. student. I have a very flexible schedule, which means that I need to hold myself to a schedule and I’m in the driver’s seat of my research. I’m always checking the early online releases for AMS journals to see what new papers come out. Currently, I’m writing numerous manuscripts and also spend a lot of the day having conversations with colleagues. Some of the best ideas I’ve had during my postdoc have come from talking to other postdocs and scientists. There’s a group of us that meet on a weekly basis to talk about relevant papers and recent weather events. Norman this year has experienced quite a bit of interesting weather. I’ve had at least three massive supercells go directly over my apartment, which is three too many.”
— Matthew Brown of the National Severe Storms Laboratory (NSSL) in Norman, Oklahoma, on a typical day on the job as a postdoctoral fellow. For more, listen to the Clear Skies Ahead podcast, with new episodes released every month.
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