Are you interested in contributing to the AMS Weather Band website?

AMS Weather Band is happy to accept submissions of features, photos/videos, interviews, and other content that provides a fascinating or surprising look into the world of weather, water, and climate. 

For weather enthusiasts, citizen scientists, and anyone with a general interest in weather and climate, the Weather Band provides an opportunity for you to share your work with other enthusiasts at the local and community level and to connect with professional scientists in the field.

For professional AMS members and those with formal backgrounds in the sciences, AMS Weather Band provides you with an opportunity to broaden the reach and impact of your work.. We provide you with tools, support, and a growing public audience with which to share your expertise and to explain its importance to and impact on communities and individuals.

What Can I Contribute?

The following is a list of the general types of contributions that the Weather Band is currently accepting. Note that we can develop options to present multiple content types. Our focus is on giving the audience the opportunity to interact with, ask questions of, and share their own experience with the presenter(s).

After selecting the type of content you would like to share and providing a brief description, your proposal will be reviewed by AMS staff. We will review and respond to your proposal within two weeks. If chosen, we will reach out to set a timeline, and ensure you have the resources and information needed to complete the content piece.

Read our Terms and Conditions 


Articles can be more personal in nature (e.g., a scientist explaining their research, a recent field study, etc.), more general (e.g., weather impacts on sport, weather in art, etc.), or highlighting a specific weather event (impacts on you and your community, observations/forecasts, or more detailed research). The articles should be accessible and understandable by an audience that includes nonprofessional enthusiasts that have a strong interest in weather and climate topics. A typical length would be ~600 words, but we can accommodate variations from that length.

  Photo or Video Share

Have a great photo or video of weather phenomena you want to share? Send your photo/video and include a short description of the phenomenon. We suggest including a description of the weather conditions, location, date/time, and your name so we can give you full credit.


Are you an expert in a specific topic or do you know an expert and want to highlight their work? We strongly encourage opportunities for two-way communication between our professional members and enthusiasts, other professionals, and the public. Interviews and Q&As are great ways to allow individuals to ask questions on specific topics that they would not normally have the chance to. This could also be in conjunction with or a follow up to a webinar or more formal presentation.

  Live Webinar/Event

AMS facilitates and hosts regular live webinars and other online events. If you would be interested in hosting or helping develop a webinar on a specific topic, please let us know the topic, a general outline, and possible speaker(s) (including yourself, if appropriate). AMS will follow up with you to further develop this idea. Read our tips for preparing a successful Weather Band webinar.

  Something Else?

Unsure what format your idea should use or want to suggest a different content type? We welcome suggestions for new content types and ideas of all kinds. In the form below, select "Other" and then include a description of your content type along with your description of your specific submission.


Submission Form for Contributors

Get Started!

To begin the process of contributing content to the Weather Band, please submit your proposal through our Content Proposal Submission form for staff review:

Terms and Conditions

By voluntarily submitting for use any form of content, referred to as a “Work” here, the contributor, referred to as “Author” here, agrees to the following terms of use and affirms that they have the rights needed for that agreement:

The Author hereby grants AMS and the AMS Weather Band the right to publish the Work. The Author of the Work retains copyright in the Work. The Author grants AMS a worldwide, royalty-free, nonexclusive, irrevocable license to use the Work in any way, including but not limited to: the reproduction and distribution of the Work, in whole or in part, which may include being part of products offered for sale by AMS, and the creation, reproduction, and distribution of any derivative products adapted from the Work, which may include being part of products offered for sale by AMS. AMS will make best efforts to ensure the Author is given attribution as the creator of the Work in any use of the Work by AMS.