1 March, 2024 | 2:30-3:30pm ET

Global weather models provide forecasters with guidance that is the starting point to weather forecasts. Even incremental improvements in performance can result in significant benefits to society. This webinar will showcase recent performance this winter among the leading global modeling systems. The discussion will also touch on any planned supercomputing upgrades, other notable improvements, and more.  


Alicia M. Bentley

 Alicia was a life-long resident of Albany, NY, before moving to the DC area.  She studied at the University at Albany, SUNY, where she received her B.S. (2011), M.S. (2014), and Ph.D. (2018) in Atmospheric Science with Drs. Lance Bosart and Daniel Keyser.  Her research spanned a variety of topics, including atmospheric rivers, subtropical cyclones that undergo tropical transition, and extratropical cyclones.  Alicia also spent the summer of 2017 as an Advanced Studies Program Visiting Scientist at NCAR (where she saw her first tornado).

Alicia began her career at EMC as a contractor in February 2018 before becoming a civil servant in March 2020.  She has participated in and led multiple global model evaluations as a member of the Model Evaluation Group (MEG), including GFSv15, GEFSv12, and GFSv16.  Alicia also maintains many of EMC's Verification webpages and is helping oversee the implementation of the new EMC Verification System (EVS).  When Alicia is not at work, she enjoys yoga, painting, reviewing restaurants, and watching NY sports.


Neil Jacobs

Dr. Neil Jacobs is currently the chief science adviser for the Unified Forecast System, an effort by the broad scientific community to develop a common, open-source modeling infrastructure that encourages collaboration and eases the transition from research to operations with the goal of improving NOAA’s forecast models.  Dr. Jacobs was the previous Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Environmental Observation and Prediction, performing the duties of Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere from 2018 to early 2021. Before his nomination to NOAA, Dr. Jacobs was the Chief Atmospheric Scientist at Panasonic Avionics Corporation,  where he directed the research and development of both the aviation weather observing platform and weather forecast model programs. 

Dr. Jacobs holds a bachelor degree in mathematics and physics from the University of South Carolina and masters and doctoral degrees in atmospheric science from North Carolina State University.


Doug Hilderbrand

Douglas Hilderbrand, with 20 years in the National Weather Service, leads programs promoting weather readiness and resilience. As Chair of the AMS Weather Band Committee and through various roles, he's driven collaboration, drafted AMS Statements, and worked to reduce lightning-related deaths.