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There are 1 item(s) tagged with the keyword "Tomorrow's Scientists".

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Tomorrow's Scientists

At the 72nd International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) in Atlanta, Georgia, the American Meteorological Society (AMS) awarded seven high school students for outstanding atmospheric science projects, part of the Regeneron ISEF program with students from the United States and 62 other countries participating in a hybrid event.

Tags: Tomorrow's Scientists, BAMS

Displaying: 416 - 1 of 1


In this interactive talk presented at the 2022 AMS Community and Citizen Science Symposium, Jessica Taylor and Dr. Jay Welsh from NASA walk the audience through the ins and outs of the award winning GLOBE and CLOUD GAZE programs, including how to use the app, what happens to your data, and how you can see what's being tracked around the world.

Storm Intercept Weather Network: The Truth on the Ground
Storm Intercept Weather Network: The Truth on the Ground

In this presentation from the 2022 AMS Weather Band Community and Citizen Science Symposium, Craig Lowe shows how Bahamian Storm and Hurricane Interceptors came to be and what they do to assist The Bahamas Department of Meteorology and The National Emergency Management Agency with valuable information on active Weather Threats.

Ranking Tornado Outbreaks
Ranking Tornado Outbreaks

I was listening to the WeatherBrains podcast (Episode 806) and there was a discussing what constitutes a tornado outbreak and the fact that there is not a rigorous definition for the term outbreak. And I am not sure there is a need to define the term for meteorological purposes. But I wondered if I could come up with my own Outbreak Index to allow comparison and ranking of events that might be termed a tornado outbreak.

Rain or Snow? That is the Question
Rain or Snow? That is the Question

Did you know that snow can fall at temperatures above freezing? In this presentation from the 2022 AMS Weather Band Community and Citizen Science Symposium, Jeff Uhlik describes the impact of community engagement through the Tahoe Rain or Snow project. The group is working to reduce inaccuracies in determining precipitation type by estimating the temperature of the rain-snow boundary, which is used in weather forecasts and hydrologic models. With help from Tahoe Rain or Snow weather spotters, they have been able to record evidence of snow consistently falling at above-freezing temperatures in the Sierra Nevada. This project is now expanding in 21/22 to include many parts of the Western US.

2022 AMS Weather Band Community and Citizen Science Symposium
2022 AMS Weather Band Community and Citizen Science Symposium

The 2022 AMS Weather Band Community and Citizen Science Symposium was a huge success thanks to its amazing speakers and enthusiastic attendees. Over 350 people registered for the event, which showcased nearly 30 speakers over two days of presentations. This was the first time that the AMS Weather Band has held this event, and it was a true testament to the high quality of citizen and community scientists, as well as to the programs that train and support these weather enthusiasts.

SKYWARN and BIDE at the National Weather Service
SKYWARN and BIDE at the National Weather Service

In this presentation from the 2022 AMS Weather Band Community and Citizen Science Symposium, Davyon Hill of the National Weather Service discusses how he has built and sustained a successful SKYWARN program even while transitioning to a virtual environment because of the pandemic. He also presents on spearheading his office's Belonging Inclusion Diversity and Equity team; and the impact that spotters have for their local communities both for public safety, and as mentors for youth from underserved and under represented communities. 

AGU's Thriving Earth Exchange and ISeeChange
AGU's Thriving Earth Exchange and ISeeChange

These two presentations from the 2022 AMS Weather Band Community and Citizen Science Symposium showcase the importance of community led science to make change. In the first one, Melissa Goodwin from AGU details the philosophy and case studies from the work of the Thriving Earth Exchange; a transformative program that puts community leaders at the heart of scientific projects.

Science is For Everyone: The Air You Breathe
Science is For Everyone: The Air You Breathe
Science is For Everyone: Water. Friend, or Foe?
Science is For Everyone: Water. Friend, or Foe?
Science is For Everyone series: Too Hot, Too Cold
Science is For Everyone: Too Hot, Too Cold