Search Results

There are 13 item(s) tagged with the keyword "BAMS".

Displaying: 291 - 13 of 13

Tomorrow's Scientists

At the 72nd International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) in Atlanta, Georgia, the American Meteorological Society (AMS) awarded seven high school students for outstanding atmospheric science projects, part of the Regeneron ISEF program with students from the United States and 62 other countries participating in a hybrid event.

Tags: Tomorrow's Scientists, BAMS
Clam-oring for Data

What the quahog clam can tell us about ancient climate. 

Tags: Parcels, BAMS
Interview: Understanding the Science of Uncertainty

BAMS recently spoke with Tim Palmer about his new book, The Primacy of Doubt: From Quantum Physics to Climate Change, How the Science of Uncertainty Can Help Us Understand Our Chaotic World.

Tags: Interview, Readings, BAMS
In Search of Drought

Brandi Gamelin of Argonne National Laboratory discusses recent research that employs vapor pressure deficit (VPD) rather than precipitation as a method to forecast drought in the United States.

Tags: Parcels, BAMS
Readings - In Brief

Three books are presented for your consideration. Introduction to the Physics and Techniques of Remote Sensing (Third Edition) discusses the use of remote sensing for a variety of sciences and studies. Atmospheric Evolution on Inhabited and Lifeless Worlds explains how atmospheric evolution can determine a planet's habitability. Beyond Carbon Neutral: How We Fix the Climate Crisis Now presents strategies for addressing climate change with tools currently in place. 

Tags: In Brief, Readings, BAMS
Mariama Feaster

Mariama Feaster, graduate research assistant at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, on how her undergraduate experience helped shape the direction of her career goals.

Tags: Clear Skies Ahead, BAMS
More Than A Scientist: Samuel Larsen

Q&A with Samuel Larsen, Xcel Energy Data Scientist and member of the AMS Board on Early Career Professionals.

Tags: BAMS, More Than A Scientist
William Turner IV

William Turner IV, a Ph.D. student in atmospheric sciences at the University of California, Davis, on his decision to pursue a doctoral degree and the process that involved.

Tags: Clear Skies Ahead, BAMS
They Have the An(t)swers on Snow Depth

Inspired by the movement of ants within a colony, Hu took a novel approach to the limitations of using lidar for measuring snow depth.

Tags: BAMS
Clear Skies Ahead: Alyssa Bates

ALYSSA BATES is the research associate at the Cooperative Institute for Severe and High-Impact Weather Research and Operations.

Tags: BAMS

Displaying: 291 - 13 of 13

Heat Watch: A National Community-based Heat Mapping Campaign
Heat Watch: A National Community-based Heat Mapping Campaign

Over the past four summers, community scientists in over 50 US cities have set out to measure the distribution of ambient heat across urban environments as part of a national campaign ("Heat Watch") led by CAPA Strategies and NOAA's National Integrated Heat Health Information System (NIHHIS). The highly engaging program has involved hundreds of community participants as data collectors with simple-to-use equipment, engaging training material, and meaningful input to study design and interpretation of the resulting ambient heat maps. Gaining an element of civic legitimacy through the participation of local communities, the generated datasets are used by municipal planners, health departments, academic researchers, and others to identify heat vulnerabilities and rapidly advance local heat resilience efforts. 

Using CoCoRahs Precipitation Analysis for Fluvial Geomorphology and Rural Environmental Management
Using CoCoRahs Precipitation Analysis for Fluvial Geomorphology and Rural Environmental Management

In this presentation from the 2022 AMS Weather Band Community and Citizen Science Symposium, Christopher Bridges discusses how the effectiveness of water resources management projects in rural communities can be limited by a lack of reliable long-term monitoring data. This is particularly important when considering agricultural drainage water, stormwater runoff controls and floodplain management in the erodible soils of the Coastal Plains. Additionally, measurement of extreme precipitation events is essential to understanding flooding risk in rural areas.

History and Records of the Automatic Weather Station on Denali Pass Part II: The Data
History and Records of the Automatic Weather Station on Denali Pass Part II: The Data

This is Part II of the series by Dr. Lea Hartl discussing the history and data records of the automatic weather station on Denali Pass. If you missed Part I, follow this link

By Dr. Lea Hartl
"One of the coldest and most savage spots on earth": History and Records of the Automatic Weather Station on Denali
"One of the coldest and most savage spots on earth": History and Records of the Automatic Weather Station on Denali

On February 20th, 1989, a three-person team of Japanese mountaineers climbing the West Buttress route on Denali reached High Camp at 5243 m.a.s.l. The team leader, Noboru Yamada, was hoping to become the first person to summit the highest peaks of the seven continents in winter and was climbing with two other experienced mountaineers, Teruo Saegusa and Kozo Komatsu, on this occasion. The weather on the 20th had been relatively calm.

By Dr. Lea Hartl
Weather and Death on Mount Everest: Part II
Weather and Death on Mount Everest: Part II

Following on from Part I of Weather and Death on Everest, there follows here an indepth look at the meteorological foundations of the storm and the resulting physiological effects on the mountaineers

Analyzing the Into Thin Air Storm

From the 8th to the 13th of May 1996, the summit temperature on Mount Everest underwent an approximate 10°C drop.

By G.W.K. Moore and John L. Semple
Elevating Meteorological Understanding on Everest: Installing the Highest Weather Stations on Earth
Elevating Meteorological Understanding on Everest: Installing the Highest Weather Stations on Earth

Watch this presentation from the research team that installed the highest weather stations on earth: at the summit of Mount Everest. 

You'll also learn why there's such a desperate need for more high elevation weather observations and the challenges that the team faced in getting their gear where it needed to be.

By Baker Perry, Tom Matthews, Kyler Abernathy, Deepak Aryal, Dibas Shrestha, Arbindra Khadka, Aurora Elmore
A Deep Dive into How Skiers and Snowmobilers Use Winter Weather Forecasts
A Deep Dive into How Skiers and Snowmobilers Use Winter Weather Forecasts

Weather service providers around the world offer the public forecasts and warnings to improve decision making and protect life and property. Recent surveys have found that, in the United States, weather news is one of the most popular items in the media (Pew Research Center 2008; Wilson 2008). In fact, it has been estimated that 300 billion forecasts are obtained by U.S. adults on an annual basis (Lazo et al. 2009). But there are very few studies that look at how and why the public gets, reads, and responds to weather information, even though this research is fundamental to the design of weather products and communication strategies.

The Crossover: Meteorology and Basketball with Ken Pomeroy
The Crossover: Meteorology and Basketball with Ken Pomeroy

Ken Pomeroy has worked in basketball for 15 years, providing analytics for college basketball teams through his web site and consulting for NBA teams since 2003. His work has been used by coaches, media, and fans, and his ratings are used by the NCAA’s basketball committee to help select teams for its postseason tournament. But his path to the sport began as a grad student in Atmospheric Science at University of Wyoming and then as a meteorologist with the National Weather Service for 12 years, where he learned the science of making predictions. Many principles of weather prediction have direct application to predicting basketball outcomes, both for players and teams. In this talk for the Weather Band, Ken discusses his background in weather prediction and how the lessons he learned there helped him succeed with sports analytics.

Weather Maps by Radio
Weather Maps by Radio

In the photograph file of the U. S. Weather Bureau at Washington is an odd-appearing weather map, as big as an ordinary letter head, done in pale blue-green ink on white paper, and carefully preserved under a celluloid "glass." Someday this rather crude little map will possess great historic interest. If you examine it carefully you see that its every line is made up of many short lines, running parallel to each other and very close together, in the top-to-bottom direction on the paper.

By Dr. B.M. Varney
Wireless Wonder: A History of Radar Use for Weather Operations Part I
Wireless Wonder: A History of Radar Use for Weather Operations Part I

The earliest origins of radar meteorology are difficult to uncover. The secrecy surrounding radar in World War II delayed reporting about technological breakthroughs until 1945 and later. But as far as can be determined, radio-location technology was fairly similar across different nations at the outbreak of the war. British work was slightly more advanced, largely due to the efforts of Sir Robert A. Watson-Watt. A Scottish physicist and meteorologist, Watson-Watt was a fellow of the Royal Meteorological Society by 1915, published a paper on radio waves created by lightning in 1922, and delivered the Symons Memorial Lecture in 1929 on ‘‘Weather and Wireless.’’