Ted Best

Ted Best is a lifelong weather enthusiast who enjoys volunteering and writing.  He has served as a Skywarn storm spotter, ham radio Skywarn coordinator (KD5JEO), and a CoCoRaHS volunteer observer. He has been an associate member of the AMS since 2002, and was a member of the North Texas local chapter while living in Texas.  His weather interests include severe storms, mesoscale convective systems, and Alberta clippers (a result of moving to Minnesota.)  He is very grateful for the opportunities to co-author two case studies on convective wind events for online journals.  He has authored two Weather Band articles, one on stratocumulus and the other on a mesoscale convective vortex, which he co-authored with a fellow enthusiast.

In his professional career, Ted is a Research Fellow for a major paint manufacturer.  He holds a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry from the University of Illinois and has worked as a chemist for 41 years.  His professional interests include coatings for corrosion protection and atmospheric corrosion of painted metal products.