Clouds Devouring the Sunset

It was a cloudy afternoon and I had to fly after photographic coverage from Mexico City to Cancun, my home. When I bought the plane ticket, my seat had not been assigned to me, so I didn't know that I would have a window until the last moment. That's when I decided to have my camera and a lens on hand, because I knew that at the time of the flight I would have the sunset in the air.

Throughout the flight I was taking photos, but it was at a precise moment when I felt the plane rise higher, while in the cockpit the pilot pointed out a cluster of clouds that would be avoided because they had potential electrical activity.

I looked out the window and saw the clouds, illuminated by that orange color of the sun at sunset, majestic, losing all dimension and proportion, and when I made several clicks I noticed the figure that was formed in the clouds, those of an immense shark , about to devour everything in its path, the clouds, the afternoon and the unwary, like me, crouched on a plane, flying straight into its jaws.

I have flown many times in the afternoon, but that time the sunset, the clouds, the electrical activity, gave me a moment that has been unrepeatable and unforgettable and that reminds me of the majesty of the skies that shelter us in this blue dot that floats in space.