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There are 1 item(s) tagged with the keyword "Tomorrow's Scientists".

Displaying: 171 - 1 of 1

Tomorrow's Scientists

At the 72nd International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) in Atlanta, Georgia, the American Meteorological Society (AMS) awarded seven high school students for outstanding atmospheric science projects, part of the Regeneron ISEF program with students from the United States and 62 other countries participating in a hybrid event.

Tags: Tomorrow's Scientists, BAMS

Displaying: 171 - 1 of 1

April 5, 2023
Sky High
Sky High

A recent study utilized the parallax effect to accurately measure the height of a volcanic plume by analyzing images taken from multiple lines of sight. This overcame the limitations of traditional infrared-based methods, and allowed for the first direct observation of a plume reaching the mesosphere.

April 3, 2023
Superstorm 1950 with David Call
Superstorm 1950 with David Call

Explore the impact of Superstorm 1950, the greatest simultaneous blizzard, ice storm, windstorm, and cold outbreak of the twentieth century. 

March 27, 2023
Interview with Sonali Shukla McDermid
Interview with Sonali Shukla McDermid

Sonali Shukla McDermid, the new editor-in-chief of Earth Interactions (EI), aims to foster interdisciplinary research on Earth system interactions and expand the journal's scope. 

March 24, 2023
Readings: Interview - Reinforcing the Foundations of Climate and Weather Prediction
Readings: Interview - Reinforcing the Foundations of Climate and Weather Prediction

Andrew N. Staniforth's new book provides a comprehensive and unified account of the fundamental equations for climate and weather prediction models, emphasizing generality, scientific rigor, and unification in atmospheric and oceanic modeling.

March 22, 2023
The Unpredictable Weather of Kyrgyzstan
The Unpredictable Weather of Kyrgyzstan

Yannick Cocard and his friends encountered a torrential rainstorm while driving to Song-Kul in Kyrgyzstan, but after the rain cleared, they were captivated by the vast and untouched scenery, finding hospitality and a breathtaking night sky with the locals.

By Yannick Cocard