
Volume 2, Number 7

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Dear friend,


Welcome to "On The Radar," the newsletter of the AMS Weather Band! With your recent AMS Member benefit expansion, you now have full access to the , so we want to keep you informed about fun news and updates, as well as upcoming events. Feel free to reply to this email if you have questions about the Weather Band, and of course, if you don't want to receive this monthly news, you can click the link in the footer to customize your mail options.

A Note from Gideon

Greetings from the Pacific Northwest! Welcome to another edition of On The Radar! While here in the great PNW, it hasn’t been too uncomfortable, I know that in parts of the nation, the weather is beyond excruciating. Our friends at the National Weather Service have , and while you are staying hydrated and relaxing in the shade, we can try to help take your mind off the temperature. Take a look at what we have in store for you this month!

photo of Gideon Alegado


Gideon Alegado

Public Outreach Manager

Pronouns: He/Him/His

American Meteorological Society

Weather Band Photo Contest

blue sky with fluffy clouds


Have you sent in your contenders? We're seeking photos of weather, water, and climate; clouds, waves, and storms; and other atmospheric, oceanic, or hydrologic conditions. Share your love of weather and photography, and you could win a cash prize. by the 15 August deadline!

BAMS and Weather Band

weather radar

In the coming weeks, Weather Band will be featuring some highlights from the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, curated specifically for weather enthusiasts! Be on the lookout for new articles, news, and expert commentary from the AMS flagship magazine! to read these and more:





Hot Threads in the

Summer Heat Wave! Weather Band members discuss the recent , home weather stations, humidity and more! and add to the discussion yourself!

photo of Bryan Norcross

Upcoming Events

Sorting through the Communications Clutter, Getting a Job, Making a difference

When a hurricane is threatening, forecasters know more than ever before. They are deluged with data and an array of models with an endless number of facts and ideas that could be conveyed to the public. But which ones will motivate people to make the right decisions and how can we communicate in today's fractured media landscape? Join Hurricane Specialist Bryan Norcross as he discusses the challenges of real-time analysis and communications in the modern world. Plus, learn how you can build a forecasting career.

planet Earth from the GOES-18 satellite

GOES-18: NOAA’s Newest Eyes on the West

10 August at 4:30 PM Eastern

GOES-T launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida, on 1 March and became GOES-18 after reaching geostationary orbit several weeks later. It is undergoing postlaunch testing and will take over as the operational GOES-West in early 2023. During its checkout phase, data from the GOES-18 Advanced Baseline Imager will be provided via operational GOES-West data streams in August and again from mid-October to mid-November. This webinar will provide examples of the data from GOES-18 and highlight the capabilities of its instrumentation.

National Weather Center building

Inside the NOAA/NWS Storm Prediction Center: Operations and Future Services

16 August at 1:00 PM Eastern

This webinar will highlight the day-to-day operations of the Storm Prediction Center as it fulfills its mission of protecting life and property from severe thunderstorms, tornadoes, and critical fire weather conditions. An overview of the history of the SPC will be shared, and the presentation will conclude with a look ahead to new services that are planned as a result of advances in the science and modeling capabilities.

Photo of Stan Gedzelman

Did You Miss It?

Art of the Atmosphere

Dr. Stanley Gedzelman discussed art and the atmosphere in a recent webinar based on his book, The Soul of All Scenery: A History of the Sky in Art. For a better understanding of how artists have portrayed clouds, storms, and atmospheric optical phenomena like rainbows and sky colors, !

woman with a weather pattern beach towel

Summer Shopping

The Weather Band Store is featuring some fun summer apparel and accessories, like a beach towel, flip flops, and shorts for men and women. to help you stay cool—and enjoy your summer weather!



AMS Weather Band

An initiative of the American Meteorological Society

45 Beacon Street, Boston, MA 02108-3693


Higher Logic