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Clear Skies Ahead: Bill Sjoberg

  • By AMS Staff
  • Sep 2, 2024

“Every year at the American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, we have an event where we talk to the students and the early-career professionals. And what I tell them is, ‘First, network, network, network. Talk to people. Find out what you’re interested in and then if you’re interested in a particular aspect of meteorology, find somebody who’s doing that now and contact them.’ That might be listening to an oral presentation and jotting down their name. It might be reading a BAMS article or a technical journal and finding out who’s doing the work that you’re interested in. Contact them and ask how you can do what they’re doing. Find your passion first and then find other people who have that same passion and contact them to see what’s available.”
—Bill Sjoberg, consultant with Leverage Information Technology in Lanham, Maryland, with advice for job-seekers looking to establish a career. For more, listen to the Clear Skies Ahead (, with new episodes released every month.